Paper core - squash resistant

Paper cores Ø38 and Ø50

Benefits for your company and product features

  • After using could be fully recycled
  • Ecology support, productions based on recycled paper
  • Paper cores are stiff and squash resistant
  • Appicable in many branches
  • Availabe diamaters: fi38, fi39, fi50
  • Availabe lengths: 140÷2100 mm
  • Max core’s thickness
  • Outside core’s layer white

Use of paper cores

Cores could be applicable for different purposes like various films winding, electrical wires, floor coverings, fabrics, steel and noniron metal. Could be as parts of musical instruments, casings, furniture, and many others.

Typical sizes and specs

Net weight
[kg] / (+/-1%)
[m] / (+/-3%)
Pcs per euro pallet 120x80
Pcs per ind pallet 120x100